MON-THURS 10:00 - 8:00
FRIDAY 10:00 - 5:00
SATURDAY 10:00 - 3:00
Upcoming Holiday Closing: All day Monday Feb 17 for President’s Day.
Catalog Search
Search the Online Catalog using Library Connection to find the item you are looking for.
Place reserves on items.
Request materials from other libraries.
Manage your account information
Instructions for Requesting Multiple Item Level Holds with One Record
Interlibrary Loan
If you want an item that is not part of Portland Library's collections, the staff will be happy to try to borrow it for you from another library. Please inquire at the Information Desk or call the Library at 860-342-6770.
Library Cards
Portland Library
Library card eligibility
Every resident of Portland is eligible to receive a library card from Portland Library. This card will allow borrowing privileges at most public libraries in Connecticut, through the State Library of Connecticut’s BorrowIT program. The card will expire three years from the date of issue.
A person who is not principally domiciled in Portland but who pays taxes on property in Portland may obtain a library card. This card shall be limited to use at Portland Library, in accord with BorrowIT regulations.
A person whose permanent residence is in another place in Connecticut, must obtain a library card from their hometown library and may use that card until it is expired at Portland Library.
A patron may request a card online from the webpage to temporarily access some library card services. The patron must visit Portland Library within 30 days after registering online and show ID and proof of address, to receive a regular library card and borrow materials. The temporary online access is available to request items to be held for the patron and/or to use some digital services including certain online databases and classes offered by Portland Library.
Patrons are expected to control use of their cards that allows borrowing at any public library in Connecticut, and many digital items including eBooks and online classes offered through Portland Library. Note: Digital items such as eBooks generally are available only to residents of a library that subscribes to the service. Your card may not entitle you to access online services offered by many libraries throughout Connecticut.
Library cards for adults
1. For any requests for new or replacement library cards, a patron must show picture identification and proof of residence. If the patron's picture identification does not include current address, an additional document that includes the address must be shown.
2. A patron shall complete and sign a registration form to receive a new card.
3. Patrons are expected to produce a library card for any borrowing of materials. Patrons who do not have their library card in their possession at the checkout desk may be asked for picture identification and verifying information, such as telephone number, at the discretion of the staff.
Library cards for children
l. To obtain a permanent library card, a child under the age of 13 is required to have a parent or guardian sign a registration card.
2. A child who is unaccompanied by a parent may be allowed a temporary courtesy privilege to borrow up to three items. A registration form will then be mailed to the parent(s) for a signature. The child will be given a permanent card when the parent or child returns the registration form.
3. As a courtesy to parents, parents of minors who are age 13 or over will be notified by mail after their children have received cards.
Lost Cards
Replacement of cards requires identification and proof of address. Patrons are expected to notify the library as soon as possible in the case of a missing card.
TEMPORARY Portland Library Cards: click on link for temporary card
This section applies to temporary residents who are not "Principally domiciled" in Portland. "Principally domiciled" is defined as the permanent residence of a person, excluding temporary residence for vacation or family visit, temporary residence in a care facility, etc.
A Temporary library card may be requested during the time the applicant is residing in Portland for a period of several weeks. The temporary library card is designated FOR USE in PORTLAND ONLY. Proof of identification and local mailing address is required. The library also will record existing permanent residential address if the applicant has a permanent address at the time of registration. Temporary library cards will be dated to expire when the person plans to leave town, or in 3 months (whichever occurs sooner).
A Library Card cannot be issued to any agency or organization. Staff of any agency or department must use their individual borrower's card for any items they wish to borrow. In this case, the individual shall be responsible for all materials borrowed and shall be subject to replacement cost for items not returned after two notifications have been sent.
In the case of school personnel who borrow for support of school library or classroom use by Portland students, the school department shall be responsible for payment of replacement costs of items borrowed and not returned after 2 notifications have been sent to the borrower.
Revision October 12, 2021 Approved by the Library Board of Directors October 21, 2021
Patrons' Accounts in the Catalog
In Login on Encore, information about current library transactions can be viewed. This page allows you to review bills, checkouts, and current hold requests. From the My Account page you can cancel holds, view library messages and requests, and reply to library messages. A personal identification number (PIN) can be changed or checked-out materials can be renewed.
Please Note: Not all items may be renewable. High Demand items, items other patrons have put on reserve, or items that have been previously renewed are not renewable. Please contact the Portland Library at 860-342-6770 if you have questions or were not successful in renewing your items.
Check Your Patron Record in the Online Catalog
Access the Portland Library Online Catalog.
· Select Login at the top right of the page.
· Enter Last Name and Library Card #
· After logged in, click on your name at the top right of the page.
ENCORE will display all current materials checked out.
Changing Your Address/Phone/Email
You can only change your email address through our website. To update this, log into your account in ENCORE and select Edit Account. If you need to update your address or telephone number, please contact the Portland Library at 860-342-6770 during normal library hours.
Renew Materials
Most materials may be renewed twice if there are no reserves on them.
You may renew in person or through the Online Catalog with a library card:
From the Checkouts screen,
· Click on Renew Marked.
· Click Yes on the next screen to complete renewal.
· Note which items have been renewed.
Holds or Reserves
Click on the Holds tab
Note items on hold
Cancel any unwanted holds
Change pick up location
Fine Free
No fines for late return of most items (museum passes and yard games are the exception)!
Check your messages from the Library Staff.
INSTRUCTIONS for using ENCORE, Portland Library's Online Catalog
Ready? Now click here to enter
the Portland Library's catalog, ENCORE!
SMS Text Messages

1) Go to our Encore catalog (
2) Log in to your account
3) Click on Edit Account
4) In the Modify Patron Information popup, enter your cell number in the "Mobile Phone No." field, click on the "Opt In" check box, and click on Submit at the bottom of the page
5) You will receive a text within a few minutes confirming that you want to sign up. You need to text back "YES".
6) You will receive a confirmation message within a few minutes saying you have signed up.
The SMS messages are in addition to the other notices, not a replacement. So patrons will still receive email/print notices as they always have, but those signing up for SMS messages will also receive the immediate text message.
Once that is all done, they will start getting text messages every time an item goes onto the holdshelf for them, within a few minutes of when the item is ready for pickup. This does not replace traditional email/print notices; it is in addition to them. Note that multiple patron accounts cannot use the same cell number for receiving these texts.